View Trades
View Active Trades is where you can view your Live trades to see how they are currently performing.
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View Active Trades is where you can view your Live trades to see how they are currently performing.
Last updated
If you have purchased a token or coin using ProphetBots, you will have opened an active trade. You can check these active trades by selecting the "View Trades" button, found on the Main Menu. Once clicking the button, you will be taken to the active trade menu, where you will see a response from the bot like the one below:
List Top Trades will show you a list of your best performing trades.
Latest Trades will show you a list of your most recent trades.
Latest Trade will show you an in-depth report of your most recent trade. From here, you will have the option to buy more of the token, sell it, or quick sell all your tokens from the trade.
Remove Trade does what it says on the tin. It allows you to select one of your most recent trades and delete it from the list. Once it's gone, it's gone forever.